Moksha requires letting go

When I open myself, I am vulnerable. I am open. I imagine that the idea of being open will lead me to a place of peace or of what yogis call moksha, liberation. To be free, I must let go, but my body is at odds with my mind. It wants to hold on tight,…

The Red Herring

The theme for this second weekend of yoga intensive studies was Letting Go. For four hours Friday night, I sat and thought about the elements of my life I wished to let go of. I was asked to think about my intentions for the weekend, and I remembered my intention for this year to find…

It wasn’t love at first sight

I am no Narcissus: far from it. Sometimes, I imagine what it would be like to take a vacation from myself. A sabbatical from my hazel eyes that never seem to become blue, my short legs that never seem to grow any taller, my oily chin, frizzy hair, and tummy that will not be flat….

What I see you in you

“I am thinking about applying for a yoga teacher training,” I told my partner a little over a month ago. “I am not sure I can afford it, but I still want to try.” “Why don’t you try to taking a class at the studio to see if you like yoga and like their teaching…